Minx’s Diary
Day Six: The mothership still has not responded to any of our hails for emergency extraction. The trip here from the Pegasus sector was frightening and long, with no information provided on why Marmalade and I had been removed, nor where we were going. Upon arrival, we were sequestered into a white echo chamber and provided with the minimum for sustained living, such as food, water, and sanitary facilities. Loud noises of many kinds surrounded us. When we were shortly thereafter enlarged to the rest of the lower level, it was too much for us. We both hid in whatever cover offered itself, emerging in secret for food and sanitation breaks. Both of us suffered emotional breakdowns, which is why this report has been so long in coming. We are improving, and attempting to make sense of our situation as we examine this new world.
This strange land is not without its attractions. Many soft places have been provided for our comfort, and facilities for sharpening claws are available in nearly every corner. Hard-air translucent portals are plentiful, with lounging places adjacent, allowing us to observe local wildlife. There is a second level to the premises! Marmalade has made a few sallies up the “stairs,” but I held off until yesterday. The wonders I have been missing! A few opaque portals have not yet been opened to us, but the ones that have contain marvelous and comfortable furnishings. Marmalade has chosen one underbed as her special daytime lounging spot. I prefer a variety, and have sampled many places to rest.
The natives seem almost pathetically friendly. They are unfamiliar with the signals by which we recognize attempts to socialize by the nearly-hairless ones, but have been trying. They move far too swiftly for our comfort, but our talent at teleportation allows us to stay out of reach except when we wish to accept homage. They are rather good at the art of scritch-and-furkle. I have suggested we keep these nearly-hairless ones. Marmalade is dubious. We have had to roll on the floor together, batting, several times over this matter.
Rations and water appear to be similar to that in the homeland, and offerings of small, flavorful treats are a pleasant surprise. Apart from one other familiar face – Athena – who, by the way, did not seem to be very pleased to see us, we appear to be the only ones of our kind who have been abducted. Not to complain about our previous living conditions, but it is nice to be able to stretch out without sharing every space with many neighbors.
More as it develops. The nearly-hairless one with soft fingers is approaching.
Minx “Exploration” Fawcett-Nye
CatDate 04112018